Creative Director, Art Director, Lead Designer
Over the past few years at EKR I’ve provided continuous UI/UX support to Box Home Loans and their online loan application tool. We’ve gone through multiple iterations of the tool, relying on user feedback and their internal team’s analysis of the app. The application allows users to apply for a mortgage loan and manage the approval process completely online.

Loan Application steps
The loan application tool walks users through a simple, step by step process for applying for a mortgage. An intimidating task for anyone, we strove to keep the design and functionality simple and easy to navigate, with helpful process indicators, call outs,. and tool tips to guide the user in the journey.

Mobile loan application
With a majority of users visiting Box Home Loans via their mobile devices, we had to make sure the experience remained as seamless on a phone as it is on a desktop computer. The progress bar is consolidated within a “View Progress” link to help the focus be more on the task at hand when dealing with much less screen real estate.

CLient dashboard
The client dashboard is a single window where users can quickly access important information pertaining to their loan application and its status. Box Home Loan employees can provide helpful updates via the backend, with the ability to edit certain blocks that the client can’t. We’ve reworked the dashboard to help accommodate multiple blocks and fields that are important to the user, without making them feel overwhelmed with the process.

Style Guide
The style guide is an interactive tool to help the Box Home Loans development team keep the interface consistent across the multiple products in development. We’ve streamlined the brand styles and UI tools and provided guidelines to help improve the development process.
View the prototype.
View the prototype.